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Our Philosophy

We partner with you to create a culture of success: increased loan growth, profitability, and member loyalty.

The 7 P’s

People: Put the right people in the right seat

Products: Offer products that are real, relevant, and relatable to attract more members, specifically millennials

Pricing: Take risk and price for the risk while mitigating risk

Programs: Offer the right programs to attract more members and more loans

Policies: Remove barriers to growth by evaluating and re-evaluating your policies

Processes: Evaluate and re-evaluate your processes to remove barriers, streamline, and improve efficiencies

Procedures: Evaluate and re-evaluate your procedures to remove barriers and simplify the member experience

Our Purpose

To partner with credit unions across the nation (small, medium, and large) to:

  • To create win/win/win solutions: the credit union, the members, and the employees
  • Create a dynamic sales and service culture to ensure long-term sustainable growth
  • Integrate innovate strategies and programs to help credit unions increase loan growth, profitability, and member loyalty retention
  • To help credit unions reach out into the communities to appeal to businesses and generate more quality profitable loans
  • Engage staff to build strong relationships with members