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SMART Strategic Planning:  Best Practices for Execution and Implementation

The success of a strategic plan is execution and implementation. Explore the dynamics of a SMART Strategic Plan. Discover a simple step-by-step process to establish a SMART Plan of Action to ensure your strategic plan is successfully executed and implemented. Determine the best approach for follow up and follow through. Explore ways to effectuate change within your credit union in accordance with a SMART Strategic Plan.


Leading in Challenging Times

Successful credit union leaders understand that nothing in life remains constant except change. Explore a step-by-step process for leading change. Understand the dynamics of economic trends that impact credit unions. Identify market trends that impact credit union growth. Determine the best approach to implementing change for growth and profitability. Identify ways to effectuate change with minimal resistance.


Leadership vs. Management

  • Understand the dynamics of leadership versus management
  • Discover essential leadership prerequisites
  • Explore the Five C’s of Leadership
  • Determine how to develop a holistic leadership perspective
  • Learn the best approach to lead change
  • Establish effective leadership strategies for growth


Management Best Practices

  • Understand the strategic planning process
  • Determine how to establish clear objectives
  • Discover how to develop SMART actions plans
  • Gain insight into the dynamics of empowerment
  • Learn what you can do to establish accountability
  • Establish the right metrics and benchmarks
  • Determine how to track and measure results
  • Explore benefits of “Management By Walking Around” (MBWA)
  • Identify the best approach to effective communication


Key Leadership Strategies for Growth and Profitability: A Holistic Leadership Approach to Growth and Profitability

Explore a holistic leadership approach to growth and profitability that could double your loan growth . Determine what opportunities are present and how to overcome challenges that exist for your credit union in an economic downturn. Learn how you can map out a strategy for success that will grow your credit union. Identify the critical success factors (CSFs) to measure and track. Realize what you can do to align staff’s goals with the credit union’s goals in order to maximize growth and profitability. Discover ways you can get your entire staff (front and back office) and members engaged, excited, and motivated to help you grow your credit union.


Best Practices for Growth and Profitability

Successful credit unions must develop a holistic approach to growth, profitability, and retention. Understand the dynamics of leadership versus management. Discover how to map out a SMART Strategic Plan of Action to achieve higher levels of growth. Determine how the Seven P’s of growth lead to increased loan growth and profitability. Explore key leadership strategies and program that have been proven to increase loan growth and profitability.


Leading for Growth and Profitability – Ten Best Practices

Successful credit unions must find ways to increase growth and profitability while managing risks in a challenging economy. Explore a philosophy of “People Helping People” that has proven to increase loan growth and profitability! Identify the “Seven P’s” that impact growth positively and/or negatively. Find out what you can do to get your strategic plan off paper and bring your strategic plan to life through your employees. Determine the critical success factors that drive growth. Discover your most powerful resources to help you grow your credit union. Understand what you can do to maximize your RETURN ON INVESTMENT (investment in your staff and members) tenfold and increase loans and profitability exponentially!


Ten Steps to Increased Growth and Profitability

Explore a 10-step process to transform your credit union for increased loan growth and profitability. Discover SMART strategies that lead to increased loans and profitability. Explore the dynamics of empowerment and accountability. Explore ways to motivate your employees without integrating a high-cost incentive program. Gain knowledge of how to establish SMART goals to get the RIGHT results…loans, member profitability, and retention!!! Explore ways to measure and track your success for the future!