Credit Scoring & Analysis Lending Certification
This program is designed for CEOs’; management; lending managers; loan officers; branch managers; frontline staff; business development staff; and collection managers and staff.
Celeste, a credit union strategist and credit score expert, provides an indepth Credit Scoring and Analysis Lending Certification School that will help your staff gain the knowledge, techniques, and skills to become a Certified Credit Score Specialist (CCSS).
Certification Program and Requirements Program Modules:
- Module 1: Cultivating a Proactive Lending Philosophy
- Module 2: Becoming a Credit Score Specialist “Partner”
- Module 3: Building Relationships through the Interview “Experience”
- Module 4: Understanding Credit Scores and How To Calculate Scores
- Module 5: Gaining knowledge of how to turn high risk members into a low risk
- Module 6: Learning how to conduct a Credit Score Analysis (CSA)
- Module 7: Conducting “Real Life” Credit Score Analyses with Credit Reports
- Module 8: Assessing Credit Risk Without Using the Credit Score
- Module 9: Closing High-Risk Members in Order to Minimize Delinquencies/Losses
- Module 10:Certification Exam